One of the most notable galleries and publishers of modern and contemporary furniture based in Brazil, ETEL is globally recognized for its handcrafted woodwork associated with sustainable initiatives and a refined professional curation that has given them the title of “Ambassador of Brazilian Design”. It is carrying this vocation and spirit, by the way, that the brand presents, during the special edition of the Milan Design Week in 2021, a narrative that is both mixed and unique, outlined by the use of colors in design over the years. And well, talking about Brazil is talking about colors and vice versa.
With more than three decades of a fascinating history, ETEL’s product collection encompasses at least a century of national design history, contributing to the preservation of our culture, techniques and raw materials. This is possible thanks to their pioneering work in reprints, with ETEL shedding a new light on the exquisite designs of modernism in Brazil — a late discovery that, today, is considered one of the most relevant art movements of the period. Also inviting important names in the area, from different parts of the world, to develop reinterpretations of the greatest works in Brazilian design history.
In this sense, during Fuorisalone 2021, ETEL presents an exhibition highlighting the work of prominent figures in the modernist design such as Joaquim Tenreiro and Daciano da Costa, Jorge Zalszupin, Lina Bo Bardi, Oscar Niemeyer and Zanine Caldas. Thus initiating a synergistic dialogue between the past and the contemporary times with special pieces recreated by Patricia Urquiola. Among the pieces, there is the launch of the Raízes (Roots) coffee table, produced with Brazilian wood and an Italian top made of wool from the fashion industry bonded with marble powder.

Sharing the preservation and promotion values of the industry, designers and the Brazilian woodworking traditions through the Brazilian Furniture Project, organized by ABIMÓVEL and Apex-Brasil, ETEL was founded in 1985 by the prestigious designer Etel Carmona, in the city of Sao Paolo, Brazil, arriving in the world capital of design, Milan, in 2017, with a special space on Via Pietro Maroncelli.
The brand has a fundamental role in the process of disseminating Brazilian design and furniture, bringing more visibility, awards and, above all, strengthening the originality of our style. Consolidating ourselves alongside important references such as the Scandinavian and the Italian design schools. All a result of a lot of research work and a close relationship with the foundations of great masters, Brazilian or foreigners, who discovered in Brazil their source of inspiration and the materials to bring their creations to life, whose creativity influenced the history of architecture and design.

Another big surprise during Fuorisalone, by the way, will be the announcement of the new professional who will make up the robust body of designers that constitute the ETEL universe. “We have already participated in other editions of the Milan Design Week, but this year is special. Marking a rebirth after this historic moment of pandemic and isolation”, says the company’s management. “We want to emphasize through our exhibition, with vibrant colors, a new spirit and vigor in relation to the world. What was possible thanks to the support of ABIMÓVEL and Apex-Brasil, which made it easier for us to achieve excellence in our participation”.
Brazilian furniture in Milan: Visit us at Fuorisalone
Where? Via Pietro Maroncelli 13 – 20154 – Milão (Itália)
When? September 4th to 19th, 2021
Company website: etel.design
The Brazilian furniture will be showcased at Hall 03 at the Rho Fiera Milano, one of the most visited spaces at the fair, with the participation of 10 Brazilian companies associated with the Brazilian Furniture Sectorial Project, organized by ABIMÓVEL – The Brazilian Furniture Manufacturers Association and Apex-Brasil – The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency.
The project agenda in Milan also holds an exclusive event at Fuorisalone, celebrating 30 years of the circuit at the INTERNI exhibition inside the Università Degli Studi di Milano. The exhibition “Brasil – Design in Motion” will feature 20 Brazilian brands and designers under the curatorship of the interior designer José Roberto Moreira do Valle. The event is organized by Apex-Brasil, in collaboration with ABIMÓVEL.
Further information: www.abimovel.com | www.brazilianfurniture.org.br
The Brazilian Furniture Manufacturers Association – ABIMÓVEL
Press Office: Thais Laurindo | press@abimovel.com | +55 14 99857-0108