SIER was one of the companies selected for the guided tour during the event, which runs until Wednesday (18), with the participation of Brazilian companies associated with the Brazilian Furniture Project, organized by ABIMÓVEL in partnership with ApexBrasil
SIER, a brand from the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, was one of those selected by the renowned team of experts from Suite Spot Tours to receive a guided tour during the fall edition of High Point Market 2023, which began last Saturday (14) and goes until this Wednesday (18), in the city of High Point, in the United States. The tour, led this year by three famous American design experts, is one of the main attractions in the program of activities supported by the fair’s organizers, corroborating the positioning of the Brazilian furniture industry, which has been standing out for its creativity, sustainability, material diversity and ability to blend tradition and modernity, attracting attention at major events around the world.
SIER, along with 20 other Brazilian companies, is taking part in the fair through the Brazilian Furniture Project, an initiative of ABIMÓVEL (The Brazilian Furniture Manufacturers Association) in partnership with ApexBrasil (The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), which aims to promote the Brazilian design and furniture industry on the international market. To this end, the entities promote a series of activities, such as Trade Missions and the exhibition of brands at major fairs in the sector.
SIER taking stage center at the High Point Market not only validates the excellence of Brazil’s furniture industry but also reinforces the country’s growing influence on the global design stage. With one of the greatest natural diversity in the world, Brazilian tropical wood is the main protagonist of the national furniture industry, with its incomparable physical and visual qualities, which stand out in the market and promote the importance of sustainable management in the sector.
But it doesn’t stop there, just as in nature, where various elements come together to create perfect settings, it is precisely this encounter between the country’s natural, urban and cultural diversity that enriches the uniqueness of typically Brazilian design. The eyes of the world are on what Brazil has to offer and the companies taking part in the Brazilian Furniture Project, like SIER, are at the forefront of this movement.

The visit took place on Sunday (15) and was led by Dalia Soles, founder of Design Assisted. The selection of the companies that receive the Suite Spot Tours is based on the criteria of innovation and design trends applied to products likely to influence consumer demands in the coming year. In addition to Dalia, this edition brought together other important opinion leaders in the sector: Noel Gatts, of Noel Gatts Design and host of the HGTV show “What’s Wrong With That House”, and David Cohen, founder of Artistic Design Works. Together, they take attendees through their favorite products and displays throughout the three floors of the Suites at Market Square, SALON and the new Shoppe Object floor.
Follow the experts’ discoveries on Instagram and other social networks @andmorehpmkt.
High Point Market – Fall 2023
Want to see more of what Brazilian brands are showcasing at High Point Market? Keep following the @ABIMOVEL website and social media!
- Remember the Brazilian companies participating in the event: 21 Brazilian companies take part in the fall edition of High Point Market 2023, in the USA
Brazilian Furniture Project
The Brazilian Furniture Project is an initiative led by ABIMÓVEL (The Brazilian Furniture Manufacturers Association) and ApexBrasil (The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), which aims to increase the participation of Brazilian companies in the international market through a set of strategic actions based on the pillars of sustainability, competitiveness, and design integrated into the industry.
Around 150 companies participate in the project, having access to strategic information on Commercial and Competitive Intelligence, International Trade Fairs and Missions, Buyer Projects, Image Project, Design programs, among other numerous activities abroad.
For this and next year, the proposal for commercial promotion in line with the project foresees a robust effort, with more than 50 structuring and strategic actions in priority and secondary target markets, in both physical and remote formats, further expanding the possibilities for participation and engagement by the project’s member companies and international buyers.
The Brazilian Furniture Manufacturers Association has been working for more than three decades to strengthen the national furniture industry and sector. In partnership with both the public and the private sectors, it seeks to boost production, improve the business environment, and create opportunities for its members.
About ApexBrasil
The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. In order to achieve these objectives, ApexBrasil carries out a variety of trade promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and enhancing the value of Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international trade fairs, visits by foreign buyers and media influencers to get to know the Brazilian production structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen Brazil as a brand.
Brazilian Furniture Manufacturers Association – ABIMÓVEL
Press Office: press@abimovel.com