With just one week until the largest furniture industry event in the world, Brazilian companies and professionals are gearing up to take the stage at Salone del Mobile.Milano, which will be held from April 18-23, 2023, in Milan, Italy. In addition to the Brazilian industries that will be exhibiting at the event with the support of ABIMÓVEL (The Brazilian Furniture Manufacturers Association) and ApexBrasil (The Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments), in spaces designed to highlight the Brazilian DNA, the programming of the Brazilian Furniture Sector Project includes an initiative specifically dedicated to the design integrated into the national industry.
“Remember the Brazilian brands that will be highlighted at Salone del Mobile.Milano 2023:”

In addition to the flagship products of these major brands, dozens of pieces developed collaboratively by 22 designers and 21 furniture manufacturers connected through the Design Brazil + Industry program, which is part of the Brazilian Furniture Project, will also be on display at iSaloni. With design as a strategic tool for increasing the competitiveness of the Brazilian furniture industry in the domestic and international markets, the initiative focuses on the integration between creativity and technology, highlighting the originality of forms, colors, styles, techniques, communication, sustainability, and raw materials that are typically Brazilian.
The pieces will be exhibited at Pavilion 24_F05 of Rho Fiera, where the fair is held. For Cândida Cervieri, executive director of ABIMÓVEL, taking the result of this integrational work between design and the national furniture factories to the halls of iSaloni, alongside the most important furniture brands in the world, is a unique opportunity and an important step in the ongoing project to consolidate the image and positioning of the Brazilian furniture industry in the global market.
“Brazilian design is already recognized worldwide for its originality, boldness, and diversity. Factors that we want to explore and emphasize through Design Brazil + Industry, making the national furniture industry even more competitive globally. The exhibition of these pieces at iSaloni is, therefore, a great opportunity for our products to be seen and appreciated by a qualified audience of buyers from various regions of the globe,” says Cândida. “We are confident that the exhibition of Brazilian products will impress iSaloni visitors and open up new business opportunities for our companies.”
As peças serão expostas no Pavilhão 24_F05 do Rho Fiera, onde ocorre a feira. Para Cândida Cervieri, diretora-executiva da ABIMÓVEL, levar o resultado desse trabalho de integração entre o design e a indústria de móveis nacional para os pavilhões do iSaloni, junto às mais importantes marcas de móveis do planeta, é uma oportunidade única e um passo importante no projeto contínuo de consolidação de imagem e posicionamento da indústria brasileira de móveis no mercado global.
“O design brasileiro já é reconhecido mundialmente pela sua originalidade, ousadia e diversidade. Fatores que queremos explorar e enfatizar por meio do Design Brasil + Indústria, tornando a indústria de móveis nacional ainda mais competitiva a nível global. A exposição dessas peças no iSaloni é, portanto, uma chance ímpar para que nossos produtos sejam vistos e apreciados por um público qualificado, comprador e provindo das mais diversas regiões do globo”, fala Cândida. “Estamos confiantes de que a exposição dos produtos brasileiros irá impressionar os visitantes do iSaloni e abrir novas oportunidades de negócios para as nossas empresas.”
Get to know the brands and designers whose pieces will be on display at the 61st iSaloni through the Design Brazil + Industry:

‘Brazilianess’ as a concept
To welcome and highlight all this work, the curation of the Brazilian Furniture Project at iSaloni 2023 was entrusted to Liana Tessler, responsible for the architecture and interior design office that bears her name, also known for her work in installations with playful and experimental character, exploring aspects related to the perception of space, the relationship between body and object, nature, and the environment. The same concept that she and her team, in synergy with ABIMÓVEL, ApexBrasil, participating companies, and partner institutions, will also take to Milan this year.
In order to increase the visibility of Brazilian design, the theme of Brazilianess — “Brasilidade”, in Portuguese — reinforces the commitment to sustainability and conscious choices of raw materials, especially national ones. “We opted for an orthogonal, clean, and striking architecture, with different heights that create differentiated volumes, as well as bring movement and rhythm to the space, which is composed of ropes, images that highlight the country’s tropical flora, in addition to lighting designed to highlight the furniture and the environment. In this way, showing the plural potential of Brazilian design in a playful way, by creating a scenario that invites to explore forms, and materials, as well as helping to question the aesthetics and functionality of objects,” explains Liana.
We can’t wait to see all this “Brasilidade” showcased in Milan!
Don’t want to miss out on anything about Brazil’s participation in the iSaloni 2023? Continue following us on social media (@abimovel) or visit our booths at the fair.
The Brazilian Furniture Manufacturers Association – ABIMÓVEL
Press Office: press@abimovel.com