Held from May 18 to May 20, 2021, the MÓVEL BRASIL BUYER PROJECT once again achieved excellent results. Bringing together around 60 companies and 36 international buyers, the numbers were almost 25% higher than the ones from the last edition, which took place in 2019, confirming our furniture industry vocation to exports. A consequence, among other factors, of the constant process of professionalization and the modernization of the Brazilian furniture sector.
There were, in all, 485 meetings, resulting in more than US$8.3 million in negotiations — US$1.4 million in immediate deals and US$6.9 million in agreements already projected for the next 12 months.
Buyers from 21 different markets participated in this edition: South Africa, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, Spain, USA, France, India, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Dominican Republic and Uruguay.
Organized by ABIMÓVEL – The Brazilian Furniture Manufacturers Associations and Apex-Brasil – The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, through the Brazilian Furniture Project, the ONLINE BUYER PROJECT is carried out on a digital platform designed to facilitate and promote qualified partnerships in the international scope. Making it possible, therefore, that even with the postponement of the physical edition of the Móvel Brasil fair, which should take place between May 17 and 20, 2022, companies can keep doing business internationally.
For doing so, we also have the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Network of SECOMs – Trade Promotion Sectors around the world. For this edition of the BUYER PROJECT, in particular, we work with the Brazilian Embassies and Consulates in Saudi Arabia, Chile, Colombia, France, Mexico, London, Moscow, New York, Panama, Peru and the Dominican Republic. Buildinging up our connections and image around the world.
Brazilian Furniture Manufacturers Association – ABIMÓVEL
Press Office: Thaís Laurindo | press@abimovel.com | +55 14 99857-0108