Scheduled to happen this week, the Casa Brasil Israel Exhibition, which would take place between the 22nd and the 26th in Tel Aviv, had to be postponed to September 2022. Designed to be not only a business environment, but also a very plural and diverse meeting point by celebrating different aspects of our cultural diversity and international vocation, the increase in cases and the uncertainties related to the Delta variant of Coronavirus in Israel, made the local government decide to implement new measures of social distancing, which limited the realization of the event. .
Thus, the Embassy of Brazil in Israel, together with Apex-Brasil – The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotions Agency, both organizers of the exhibition, chose to postpone Casa Brasil to next year, empathetic with the moment that is still sensitive, but confident in a near future that is much safer and more welcoming for all.
This sentiment is shared by ABIMÓVEL – The Brazilian Furniture Manufacturers Association, which, together with Apex-Brasil, coordinates the Brazilian Furniture Sectoral Project. Companies and designers associated with the project will bring to Israel exclusive launches and pieces that will make up the Brazilian environment during the event. Conceived under the concept of an art gallery, the space will be both functional and expository, putting Brazilian furniture in the spotlight.
The exhibition should also feature music, games, tasting of typically Brazilian food and beverages, among other activities. Due to the postponement, the organizing entities announce that there will be a new invitation and selection process, which should be launched in the coming months. “As a result, our expectation is that the Casa Brasil Israel 2022 Exhibition will be even bigger and better than what we have planned for this year”, confides the Apex-Brasil team.
For participants of the 2021 edition who still have outstanding questions related to samples, the Commercial Sector (Secom) of the Embassy of Brazil in Israel is available to clarify any doubts.
To learn more and participate in Brazilian Furniture’s international missions, visit www.brazilianfurniture.org.br or send an email to comercial@abimovel.com.
Associação Brasileira das Indústrias do Mobiliário – ABIMÓVEL